Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bill Hicks Was Right... Things Are Sure Gettin' Christmasy... Computer Revived & That's Fucking Great...

After two months in Germany, being in Iceland feels very natural. Almost as if I never left, but the interesting part is... how I got back. There's no mystery behind it, only with simple public transportation systems and an Icelandair airplane. "Thank you for choosing Icelandair", what else is there to choose from? A few years back there wasn't an airline in the world that came near Iceland. It's the Icelandic way, complete monopoly in one way or another and no choices for the "free thinkers".

The short stay in Berlin was interesting, instead of drinking non-stop and acting like a douchebag I actually managed to behave. The Soviet side of Berlin was my home for three days, but the best thing about Berlin is... it's nothing like Reykjavík. There are no commonalities, or at least no obvious ones. It was a basic trip with sight seeing and pure old fun. The trip itself has limited writing material, who gives a shit how many beers I drank or many bars I visited?

My strongest memory of Berlin was at the Hauptbahnhof, I arrived at around 4:45 in the morning. The cab driver never said a word to me, just uttered "shit" every time he got a red light. It was a smooth drive however, no small talk and no problems at all. I walked into the cold and empty train station holding my computer, amongst other things and attempted to locate my train. The information panels were confusing, but eventually I figured it out. I had all the info I needed, but departure was still an hour away. What to do?

Better check where the tracks are, don't want any complications at the last moment. That was easy enough, the time was 04:55 and I still had about an hour left. My stomach started to boil, aching for sustenance. I had to feed it, but what could be open at this time? The search began, but only one minute later I discovered a McDonalds. Sure, why not? Of course I hate it, as we all do. Still, most of us end up there eventually. This reminded me of Bill Hicks and his opinion of McDonalds: "Why do I think McDonalds is the Anti-Christ?". Why, indeed?

The McDonalds wouldn't open until 05:00, fair enough. The time was 04:57, I was still alone. Nothing to do in this cold place but wait and snap a few pictures of this huge empty palace of a train station. Inside the McDonalds was a female worker, getting the place ready. Female may be a kind description, whatever it was it had red hair, a face like a pig and about 40kg of useless flab around itself. I couldn't help but to feel a little sorry for whatever it was, looking like this is bad enough, but looking like this and working at McDonalds is something else entirely.

It's 04:59, better get ready to enter. Suddenly, from all directions, people came. It was like The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, people just appeared in a quiet zombie like manner just moments before the place opened. By the time it was 05:00, at least twelve people had hurdled themselves by the door in front of me. Is this normal? Does McDonalds have some sort of homing beacons to draw in customers? Where did these people come from? I had been there for ten minutes and hadn't seen more than three people and two cops. Were they hiding?

Fifty minutes and two cheeseburgers later I started on my way home, finally reaching it about twelve hours later. So here I sit with my fixed computer and a glass of coca cola and wondering what was the point with this story... McDonalds is a demonic corporate enterprise and Bill Hicks was a prophet, there it is, that was the point.

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